
What Flink version are you using? In current Flink code base
FlinkKafkaConsumer does not contain fields related to Avro.

Jars in usrlib has a higher priority to be loaded than jars in lib. So if
there is another FlinkKafkaConsumer class in your user jar then it might
affect class loading and thus affect this issue.

Kevin Lam <kevin....@shopify.com> 于2021年8月25日周三 下午11:18写道:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to avoid dynamic class loading my user code [0] due to a
> suspected classloading leak, but when I put my application jar into /lib
> instead of /usrlib, I run into the following error:
> ```
> The main method caused an error: The implementation of the
> FlinkKafkaConsumer is not serializable. The object probably contains or
> references non serializable fields.
> ```
> which specifically seems to be caused by
> ```
> java.io.NotSerializableException: org.apache.avro.Schema$LongSchema
> ```
> What's curious to me about this is the error does not occur when we use
> dynamic classloading and put our application jar into /usrlib.
> Any ideas what's going on? It would seem to us that the method of loading
> the classes shouldn't impact whether or not something is serialized.
> Appreciate any help, thanks!
> [0]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.13/docs/ops/debugging/debugging_classloading/#avoiding-dynamic-classloading-for-user-code

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