Hi Matthias,
Thanks for providing the example, I would reply back soon after I do some


Matthias Broecheler <matth...@dataeng.ai> 于2021年8月19日周四 上午1:53写道:

> Hey JING,
> thanks for getting back to me. I tried to produce the smallest,
> self-contained example that produces the phenomenon:
> https://gist.github.com/mbroecheler/fd27dd8a810b038ec463cdd5339d290f
> If you run MainRepl you should see an infinite loop of re-processing the 5
> integers. The offending process is BufferedLatestSelector - specifically
> the event timer that is registered in it. Without the timer the process
> will not emit an output.
> The timer is set whenever the state is null. Is there a problem with how I
> implemented that buffering process?
> Thank you,
> Matthias
> On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 8:59 PM JING ZHANG <beyond1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> How often do you register the event-time timer?
>> It is registered per input record, or re-registered a new timer after an
>> event-time timer is triggered?
>> Would you please provide your test case code, it would be very helpful
>> for troubleshooting.
>> Best wishes,
>> Matthias Broecheler <matth...@dataeng.ai> 于2021年8月14日周六 上午3:44写道:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I have a KeyedProcessFunction that gathers statistics on the events that
>>> flow through and emits it periodically (every few seconds) to a SideOutput.
>>> However, at the end of stream the last set of statistics don't get
>>> emitted. I read on the mailing list that processing time timers that are
>>> pending don't get triggered when Flink cleans up a stream, but that event
>>> timers do get triggered because a watermark with Long.MAX_VALUE is sent
>>> through the stream.
>>> Hence, I thought that I could register a "backup" event timer for
>>> Long.MAX_VALUE-1 to make sure that my process function gets notified when
>>> the stream ends to emit the in-flight statistics.
>>> However, now my simple test case (with a data source fromCollection of 4
>>> elements) keeps iterating over the same 4 elements in an infinite loop.
>>> I don't know how to make sense of this and would appreciate your help.
>>> Is there a better way to set a timer that gets triggered at the end of
>>> stream?
>>> And for my education: Why does registering an event timer cause an
>>> infinite loop over the source elements?
>>> Thanks a lot and have a wonderful weekend,
>>> Matthias

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