We are using Flink version 1.13.0 on Kubernetes.
For checkpointing we have configured fs.s3 flink-s3-fs-presto.
We have enabled sse on our buckets with kms cmk.

flink-conf.yaml is configured as below.
s3.entropy.key: _entropy_
s3.entropy.length: 4
s3.path.style.access: true
s3.ssl.enabled: true
s3.sse.enabled: true
s3.sse.type: KMS
s3.sse.kms-key-id: <ARN of keyid>
s3.iam-role: <IAM role with read/write access to bucket>
s3.endpoint: <bucketname>.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com

However, PUT operations on the bucket are resulting in access denied error.
Access policies for the role are checked and works fine when checked with
Also, can't get to see debug logs from presto s3 lib, is there a way to
enable logger for presto airlift logging?

Any inputs on above issue?

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