Hi folks,

I have a use-case that I wanted to initially pose to the mailing list as I’m 
not terribly familiar with the Elasticsearch connector to ensure I’m not going 
down the wrong path trying to accomplish this in Flink (or if something 
downstream might be a better option).

Basically, I have the following pieces to the puzzle:
A stream of tenant-specific events
An HTTP endpoint containing mappings for tenant-specific Elastic cluster 
information (as each tenant has its own specific Elastic cluster/index)
What I’m hoping to accomplish is the following:
One stream will periodically poll the HTTP endpoint and store these cluster 
mappings in state (keyed by tenant with cluster info as the value)
The event stream will be keyed by tenant and connected to the cluster mappings 
I’ll need to an Elasticsearch sink that can route the tenant-specific event 
data to its corresponding cluster/index from the mapping source.
I know that the existing Elasticsearch sink supports dynamic indices, however I 
didn’t know if it’s possible to adjust the cluster like I would need on a 
per-tenant basis or if there’s a better approach here? 

Any advice would be appreciated.



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