I am using RocksDB as the state backend. My pipeline checkpoint size is
hardly ~100kb.

I will add gc and heap dump config and will let you know of any findings

Right now I have doubts that there is some memory leak either in flink cdc
code or in iceberg sink https://iceberg.apache.org/flink/#overwrite-data

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 12:31 PM David Morávek <d...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Ayush,
> This would signal some of your task managers is running out of memory,
> which would cause frequent old gen GC, because one cycle is not able to
> free up enough memory.
> What state backend are you using? If in-memory, off-loading state to
> RocksDB might help.
> Anyway, the general approach here would be the same as for any Java
> application:
> - You can enable GC logs and validate this really happens (more
> lightweight check would be just using something like `jstat -gccause <pid>
> ...`.
> - Take a heap dump of the affected TM to see what exactly is consuming
> your memory (eclipse MAT is fairly good with large heaps).
> Best,
> D.

 Ayush Chauhan
 Data Platform
 [image: mobile-icon]  +91 9990747111


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