Hi.  My team's flink job has cascading interval joins.  The problem I'm
outlining below is fine when streaming normally.  It's an issue with
backfills.  We've been running into a bunch of backfills to evaluate the
job over older data.

When running as backfills, I've noticed that sometimes one of downstream
kafka inputs will read in a lot of data from it's kafka source before the
upstream kafka sources makes much progress.  The downstream kafka source
gets far ahead of the interval join window constrained by the upstream
sources.  This appears to cause the state to grow unnecessarily and has
caused checkpoint failures.  I assumed there was built in Flink code to not
get too far ahead for a single downstream kafka source.  Looking through
the code, I don't think this exists.

Is this a known issue with trying to use Flink to backfill?  Am I
misunderstanding something?

Here's an example flow chart for a cascading join job.  One of the right
kafka data sources goes 10x-100x more records than the left data sources
and causes state to grow.
[image: Screen Shot 2021-07-20 at 1.02.27 PM.png]

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