Hi Maciej,

Thanks for the quick response. I wasn't aware of the idea of using a
SinkWrapper, but I'm not quite certain that it would suit this specific use
case (as a SinkFunction / RichSinkFunction doesn't appear to support
side-outputs). Essentially, what I'd hope to accomplish would be to pick up
when a bad record could not be written to the sink and then offload that
via a side-output somewhere else.

Something like this, which is a very, very naive idea:

class PostgresSinkWrapper<T>(private val sink: SinkFunction<T>):
RichSinkFunction<T>() {
    private val logger =

    override fun invoke(value: T, context: SinkFunction.Context) {
        try {
            sink.invoke(value, context)
        catch (exception: Exception){
            logger.error("Encountered a bad record, offloading to
            // Offload bad record to DLQ

But I think that's basically the gist of it. I'm just not sure how I could
go about doing this aside from perhaps writing a custom process function
that wraps another sink function (or just completely rewriting my own



On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 9:56 AM Maciej Bryński <mac...@brynski.pl> wrote:

> Hi Rion,
> We have implemented such a solution with Sink Wrapper.
> Regards,
> Maciek
> śr., 14 lip 2021 o 16:21 Rion Williams <rionmons...@gmail.com> napisał(a):
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Recently I've been encountering an issue where some external
> dependencies or process causes writes within my JDBCSink to fail (e.g.
> something is being inserted with an explicit constraint that never made
> it's way there). I'm trying to see if there's a pattern or recommendation
> for handling this similar to a dead-letter queue.
> >
> > Basically - if I experience a given number of failures (> max retry
> attempts) when writing to my JDBC destination, I'd like to take the record
> that was attempted and throw it into a Kafka topic or some other
> destination so that it can be evaluated at a later time.
> >
> > Are there any well defined patterns or recommended approaches around
> this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rion
> --
> Maciek Bryński

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