
By PersistentTable do you mean state backend? If yes, the answer differs
with different operators and state backends.

For keyed states the duration is for per key. However the exact time to
clean up a key really depends on the operator and the state backend. Most
operators will register a timer and when the timer triggers it cleans up
that key.

Ammon Diether <adiet...@gmail.com> 于2021年7月14日周三 上午5:17写道:

> Question
> If the duration is 20 minutes,
> 1) is the duration per item?
> 2) or is the duration for the table as a whole?
> Suppose the following items
> ("a", "a-value") 30 minutes ago
> ("b", "b-value") 10 minutes ago
> Does "a" get cleaned up? or neither gets cleaned up yet because the most
> recent item is not above the duration?
> Another question
> Also, if enough time passes, does the cleanup happen during a checkpoint,
> savepoint, or the next time the PersistentTable is accessed?   If the table
> is never accessed again, will it remain in the savepoints forever?

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