That's great news!

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 14:17, Arvid Heise <> wrote:

> The only known workaround is to provide your own source(function) that
> doesn't finish until all of the source subtasks finish and a final
> checkpoint is completed. However, coordinating the sources with the old
> SourceFunction interface requires some external tool.
> FLIP-147 is targeted for 1.14 in August.
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 7:46 PM Rakshit Ramesh <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Arvid,
>> Since I'm trying to save checkpoints for a bounded process
>> the checkpoint isn't being written on time since the job finishes before
>> that can happen.
>> Looks like one major feature that would be required for this to work is
>> discussed in FLIP-147
>> Is there any userland workaround for this?
>> Thanks!
>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 11:52, Rakshit Ramesh <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes! I was only worried about the jobid changing and the checkpoint
>>> being un-referenceable.
>>> But since I can pass a path to the checkpoint that will not be an issue.
>>> Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
>>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 11:26, Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rakshit,
>>>> It sounds to me as if you don't need the Savepoint API at all. You can
>>>> (re)start all applications with the previous state (be it retained
>>>> checkpoint or savepoint). You just need to provide the path to that in your
>>>> application invocation [1] (every entry point has such a parameter, you
>>>> might need to check the respective documentation if you are not using CLI).
>>>> Note that although it only says savepoint, starting from a checkpoint is
>>>> fine as well (just not recommended in the beginning).
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 6:31 AM Rakshit Ramesh <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for being a little vague there.
>>>>> I want to create a Savepoint from a DataStream right before the job is
>>>>> finished or cancelled.
>>>>> What you have shown in the IT case is how a datastream can be
>>>>> bootstrapped with state that is
>>>>> formed formed by means of DataSet.
>>>>> My jobs are triggered by a scheduler periodically (every day) using
>>>>> the api and I would like
>>>>> to bootstrap each day's job with the state of the previous day.
>>>>> But thanks for the input on the Checkpoint behaviour wrt a FINISHED
>>>>> state,
>>>>> I think that will work for me.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 02:03, Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>>>>>> I don't quite understand your question. You use Savepoint API to
>>>>>> create a savepoint with a batch job (that's why it's DataSet Transform
>>>>>> currently). That savepoint can only be restored through a datastream
>>>>>> application. Dataset applications cannot start from a savepoint.
>>>>>> So I don't understand why you see a difference between "restoring a
>>>>>> savepoint to a datastream" and "create a NewSavepoint for a datastream".
>>>>>> It's ultimately the same thing for me. Just to be very clear: the main
>>>>>> purpose of Savepoint API is to create the initial state of a datastream
>>>>>> application.
>>>>>> For your second question, yes retained checkpoints outlive the job in
>>>>>> all regards. It's the users responsibility to eventually clean that up.
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 6:56 PM Rakshit Ramesh <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes I could understand restoring a savepoint to a datastream.
>>>>>>> What I couldn't figure out is to create a NewSavepoint for a
>>>>>>> datastream.
>>>>>>> What I understand is that NewSavepoints only take in Bootstrap
>>>>>>> transformation for Dataset Transform functions.
>>>>>>> About the checkpoints, does
>>>>>>>  CheckpointConfig.ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup =
>>>>>>> offer the same behaviour when the job is "FINISHED" and not
>>>>>>> "CANCELLED" ?
>>>>>>> What I'm looking for is a way to retain the state for a bounded job
>>>>>>> so that the state is reloaded on the next job run (through api).
>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 14:18, Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Rakshit,
>>>>>>>> The example is valid. The state processor API is kinda working like
>>>>>>>> a DataSet application but the state is meant to be read in DataStream.
>>>>>>>> Please check out the SavepointWriterITCase [1] for a full example. 
>>>>>>>> There is
>>>>>>>> no checkpoint/savepoint in DataSet applications.
>>>>>>>> Checkpoints can be stored on different checkpoint storages, such as
>>>>>>>> S3 or HDFS. If you use RocksDB state backend, Flink pretty much just 
>>>>>>>> copy
>>>>>>>> the SST files of RocksDB to S3. Checkpoints are usually bound to the 
>>>>>>>> life
>>>>>>>> of an application. So they are created by the application and deleted 
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> termination.
>>>>>>>> However, you can resume an application both from savepoint and
>>>>>>>> checkpoints. Checkpoints can be retained [2] to avoid them being 
>>>>>>>> deleted by
>>>>>>>> the application during termination. But that's considered an advanced
>>>>>>>> feature and you should first try it with savepoints.
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 5:56 PM Rakshit Ramesh <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to bootstrap state into a KeyedProcessFunction
>>>>>>>>> equivalent that takes in
>>>>>>>>> a DataStream but I'm unable to find a reference for the same.
>>>>>>>>> I found this gist
>>>>>>>>> But it seems to only apply for DataSet.
>>>>>>>>> My usecase is to manually trigger a Savepoint into s3 for later
>>>>>>>>> reuse.
>>>>>>>>> I'm also guessing that checkpoints can't be stored in rocksdb or
>>>>>>>>> s3 for later reuse.

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