Hi, I have a very strange bug when using MATCH_RECOGNIZE. I'm using some joins and unions to create an event stream. Sample event stream (for one user) looks like this:
uuid cif event_type v balance ts 621456e9-389b-409b-aaca-bca99eeb43b3 0004091386 trx 4294.380000000000000000 74.524950000000000000 2021-05-01 04:42:57 7b2bc022-b069-41ca-8bbf-e93e3f0e85a7 0004091386 application 0E-18 74.524950000000000000 2021-05-01 10:29:10 942cd3ce-fb3d-43d3-a69a-aaeeec5ee90e 0004091386 application 0E-18 74.524950000000000000 2021-05-01 10:39:02 433ac9bc-d395-457n-986c-19e30e375f2e 0004091386 trx 4294.380000000000000000 74.524950000000000000 2021-05-01 04:42:57 Then I'm using following MATCH_RECOGNIZE definition (trace function will be explained later) CREATE VIEW scenario_1 AS ( SELECT * FROM events MATCH_RECOGNIZE( PARTITION BY cif ORDER BY ts MEASURES TRX.v as trx_amount, TRX.ts as trx_ts, APP_1.ts as app_1_ts, APP_2.ts as app_2_ts, APP_2.balance as app_2_balance ONE ROW PER MATCH PATTERN (TRX ANY_EVENT*? APP_1 NOT_LOAN*? APP_2) WITHIN INTERVAL '10' DAY DEFINE TRX AS trace(TRX.event_type = 'trx' AND TRX.v > 1000, 'TRX', TRX.uuid, TRX.cif, TRX.event_type, TRX.ts), ANY_EVENT AS trace(true, 'ANY_EVENT', TRX.uuid, ANY_EVENT.cif, ANY_EVENT.event_type, ANY_EVENT.ts), APP_1 AS trace(APP_1.event_type = 'application' AND APP_1.ts < TRX.ts + INTERVAL '3' DAY, 'APP_1', TRX.uuid, APP_1.cif, APP_1.event_type, APP_1.ts), APP_2 AS trace(APP_2.event_type = 'application' AND APP_2.ts > APP_1.ts AND APP_2.ts < APP_1.ts + INTERVAL '7' DAY AND APP_2.balance < 100, 'APP_2', TRX.uuid, APP_2.cif, APP_2.event_type, APP_2.ts), NOT_LOAN AS trace(NOT_LOAN.event_type <> 'loan', 'NOT_LOAN', TRX.uuid, NOT_LOAN.cif, NOT_LOAN.event_type, NOT_LOAN.ts) )) This scenario could be matched by sample events because: - TRX is matched by event with ts 2021-05-01 04:42:57 - APP_1 by ts 2021-05-01 10:29:10 - APP_2 by ts 2021-05-01 10:39:02 Unfortunately I'm not getting any data. And it's not watermarks fault. Trace function has following code and gives me some logs: public class TraceUDF extends ScalarFunction { public Boolean eval(Boolean condition, @DataTypeHint(inputGroup = InputGroup.ANY) Object ... message) { log.info((condition ? "Condition true: " : "Condition false: ") + Arrays.stream(message).map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" "))); return condition; } } And log from this trace function is following. 2021-07-06 13:09:43,762 INFO TraceUDF [] - Condition true: TRX 621456e9-389b-409b-aaca-bca99eeb43b3 0004091386 trx 2021-05-01T04:42:57 2021-07-06 13:12:28,914 INFO TraceUDF [] - Condition true: ANY_EVENT 621456e9-389b-409b-aaca-bca99eeb43b3 0004091386 trx 2021-05-01T15:28:34 2021-07-06 13:12:28,915 INFO TraceUDF [] - Condition false: APP_1 621456e9-389b-409b-aaca-bca99eeb43b3 0004091386 trx 2021-05-01T15:28:34 2021-07-06 13:12:28,915 INFO TraceUDF [] - Condition false: TRX 433ac9bc-d395-457n-986c-19e30e375f2e 0004091386 trx 2021-05-01T15:28:34 As you can see 2 events are missing. What can I do ? I failed with create minimal example of this bug. Any other ideas ? Regards, -- Maciek Bryński