Hi Vishal,

I don't believe there is another way to solve the problem currently besides
rolling your own serializer.

For the Avro + Schema Registry format, is this Table API format[1] what
you're referring to? It doesn't look there have been discussions around
adding a similar format for Protobuf yet, but perhaps you could start one
based on the avro one[2]?



On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 4:50 AM Vishal Surana <vis...@moengage.com> wrote:

> Using the vanilla kafka producer, I can write protobuf messages to kafka
> while leveraging schema registry support as well. A flink kafka producer
> requires us to explicity provide a serializer which converts the message to
> a producerrecord containing the serialized bytes of the message. We can't
> make use of the KafkaProtoobufSerializer[T] provided by Confluent. Thus the
> only way I could think of would be to create an instance of
> KafkaProtobufSerializer inside a FlinkSerializationSchema class and use it
> to serialize my messages. The problem with that would be that I would have
> to implement registration of the schema and other tasks done by
> KafkaProtobufSerializer.
> Is there any other way to solve this problem?
> Is there a plan to support protobuf serialization along with schema
> registry support?
> I noticed you've recently added Avro + Schema Registry support to your
> codebase but haven't documented it. Is it ready for use?

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