How much time has passed between the requests? (You can only query the status for about 5 minutes)

On 6/29/2021 6:37 AM, Rainie Li wrote:
Thanks for the context Chesnay.
Yes, I sent both requests to the same JM.

Best regards

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 8:33 AM Chesnay Schepler < <>> wrote:

    Ordinarily this happens because the status request is sent to a
    different JM than the one who received the request for creating a
    The meta information for such requests is only stored locally on
    each JM and neither distributed to all JMs nor persisted anywhere.

    Did you send both requests ( the ones for creating a savepoint and
    one for querying the status) to the same JM?

    On 6/26/2021 11:18 PM, Rainie Li wrote:
    Hi Flink Community,

    I found this error when I tried to create a savepoint for my
    flink job. It's in version 1.9.
         "errors": [
             "Operation not found under key:"
    Here is error from JM log:
    2021-06-21 06:49:50,195 ERROR$SavepointStatusHandler
  - Exception occurred in REST handler: Operation not found under key:
    2021-06-21 06:50:50,023 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator     - Checkpoint 
47281 of job 8de31918b2f2d983eee0d7f988a8f95a expired before completing.
    Any idea what could cause it and how to find more debugging info?
    Appreciated for any suggestions.
    Best regard

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