Hi Marco,
> I assume that all the data within the checkpoint are stored within the
given Savepoint. Is that assumption correct?
> I have not figured out how to correct / augment / fix the state though.
Can somebody please explain?
Please try this way.
1. Load old savepoint file, create Savepoint obj1
2. Read state of operator with UID Y in returned Savepoint obj1 by step1
3. Create `BootstrapTransformation` based on entry point class
`OperatorTransformation`, bootstrap new operator state with dataset
returned by step2, correct or fix old state of operator UID Y in a
`StateBotstrapFunction` or `KeyedStateBootstrapFunction`
4. Load old savepoint file, create Savepoint obj2
5. Drop the old operator with UID Y by calling `removeOperator` in returned
Savepoint obj2 by step4
6. Add a new Operator with UID Y by calling `withOperator` in returned
Savepoint obj2 by step4 , the first parameter is uid (Y), the second
parameter is returned `BootstrapTranformation` by step 3.
7. writes out returned Savepoint obj2 by step7 to a new path

In this way, in new savepoint files, states of operator withUIDs: W,X, Z
are intact, only the state of operator Y is updated.
Detailed about read/write/modify savepoint could be found in document[1]


Best regards,

Marco Villalobos <mvillalo...@kineteque.com> 于2021年6月29日周二 上午6:00写道:

> Let's say that a job has operators with UIDs: W, X, Y, and Z, and uses
> RocksDB as a backend with checkpoint data URI s3://checkpoints"
> Then I stop the job with a savepoint at s3://savepoint-1.
> I assume that all the data within the checkpoint are stored within the
> given Savepoint. Is that assumption correct?
> Then, how can I fix the state in operator with UID Y, but keep all the
> data in the other operators intact?
> I know how to bootstrap state with the state-processor API.
> I have not figured out how to correct / augment / fix the state though.
> Can somebody please explain?

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