Hi Chirag, As far as I know, If you are running a single job, I think all th pods share the same state.checkpoints.dir configuration should be as expected, and it is not necessary to configuraiton the rocksdb local dir since Flink will chosen a default dir.
Regarding the latest exception, I think you might first check the key type used and the key type should has a stable hashcode method. Best, Yun ------------------Original Mail ------------------ Sender:Chirag Dewan <chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in> Send Date:Tue Jun 8 18:06:07 2021 Recipients:User <user@flink.apache.org>, Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com> Subject:Re: Multiple Exceptions during Load Test in State Access APIs with RocksDB Hi, Although this looks like a problem to me, I still cant conclude it. I tried reducing my TM replicas from 2 to 1 with 4 slots and 4 cores each. I was hoping that with single TM there will be file write conflicts. But that doesn't seem to be the case as still get the: Caused by: org.apache.flink.util.SerializedThrowable: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key group 2 is not in KeyGroupRange{startKeyGroup=64, endKeyGroup=95}. I have checked that there's no concurrent access on the ValueState. Any more leads? Thanks, Chirag On Monday, 7 June, 2021, 06:56:56 pm IST, Chirag Dewan <chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in> wrote: Hi, I think I got my issue. Would help if someone can confirm it :) I am using a NFS filesystem for storing my checkpoints and my Flink cluster is running on a K8 with 2 TMs and 2 JMs. All my pods share the NFS PVC with state.checkpoint.dir and we also missed setting the RocksDB local dir. Does this lead to state corruption? Thanks, Chirag On Monday, 7 June, 2021, 08:54:39 am IST, Chirag Dewan <chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in> wrote: Thanks for the reply Yun. I strangely don't see any nulls. And infact this exception comes on the first few records and then job starts processing normally. Also, I don't see any reason for Concurrent access to the state in my code. Could more CPU cores than task slots to the Task Manager be the reason for it? On Saturday, 5 June, 2021, 06:40:27 pm IST, Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com> wrote: Hi Chirag, If be able to produce the exception, could you first add some logs to print the value of valueState, valueState.value(), inEvent and inEvent.getPriceDelta() ? I think either object being null would cause NullPointerException here. For the second exception, I found a similar issue[1], caused by concurrent access to the value state. Do we have the similar situation here ? Best, Yun [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18587 Best, Yun ------------------Original Mail ------------------ Sender:Chirag Dewan <chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in> Send Date:Sat Jun 5 20:29:37 2021 Recipients:User <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Multiple Exceptions during Load Test in State Access APIs with RocksDB Hi, I am getting multiple exceptions while trying to use RocksDB as astate backend. I have 2 Task Managers with 2 taskslots and 4 cores each. Below is our setup: Kafka(Topic with 2 partitions) ---> FlinkKafkaConsumer(2Parallelism) ----> KeyedProcessFunction(4 Parallelism) ----> FlinkKafkaProducer(1Parallelism) ----> KafkaTopic public class Aggregator_KeyedExpression extendsKeyedProcessFunction<Object, GameZoneInput, GameZoneOutput> { private ValueState<Integer>valueState; @Override public void open() throws Exception { ValueStateDescriptor<Integer> descriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor<Integer>( "totalPrize",Integer.class); valueState =getRuntimeContext().getState(descriptor); } @Override public void processElement(GameZoneInputinEvent, Context ctx, final List<GameZoneOutput> outEvents) throws Exception { if(valueState.value() == null) { valueState.update(0); } valueState.update(valueState.value()+ inEvent.getPrizeDelta()); -----> NullPointerException on this line int sum =valueState.value(); GameZoneOutputoutput = new GameZoneOutput(); output.setPlayerId(inEvent.getPlayerId()); output.setNetPrize(sum); outEvents.add(output); } @Override public void close() throws Exception { valueState.clear(); } } While doing a load test, I get a NullPointerException in valueState.value(). Which seems strange as we would have updated the value state above. Another strange thing is that this is observed only in load conditions and works fine otherwise. We also see some serialization exceptions: Suppressed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Position outof bounds. atorg.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:138) at org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataOutputSerializer.setPosition(DataOutputSerializer.java:352) atorg.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBSerializedCompositeKeyBuilder.resetToKey(RocksDBSerializedCompositeKeyBuilder.java:185) at org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBSerializedCompositeKeyBuilder.buildCompositeKeyNamespace(RocksDBSerializedCompositeKeyBuilder.java:114) atorg.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.AbstractRocksDBState.serializeCurrentKeyWithGroupAndNamespace(AbstractRocksDBState.java:163) at org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.AbstractRocksDBState.clear(AbstractRocksDBState.java:113) Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks Chirag