Hi everyone, When using the Flink SQL client and displaying results interactively, it seems the values of any column wider than 24 characters is truncated, which is indicated by a '~' character, e.g. the "member_user_id" below:
``` SELECT metadata.true_as_of_timestamp_millis, member_user_id, membership_updated.new_status.updated_value FROM fandom_members_events WHERE group_id = '91170c98-2cc5-4935-9ea6-12b72d32fb3c' true_as_of_timestamp_mil~ member_user_id updated_value 1622811665919 45ca821f-c0fc-4114-bef8-~ (NULL) 1622811665919 45ca821f-c0fc-4114-bef8-~ JOINED 1622118951005 b4734391-d3e1-417c-ad92-~ (NULL) ... ``` Is there a way to configure the displayed width? I didn't find any parameter for this in https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.13/docs/dev/table/sqlclient/#sql-client-startup-options Thanks a lot in advance! Svend