Oh....that won't work for me either.  I needed to use MapState.

Perhaps I should describe my problem.  I am using a KeyedState process
function, but the workload that it is processing is not distributing well
across the cluster. I have four task managers, but the way my data is keyed
in this operator, it only goes to one task manager node.

I need state, but I don't really need it keyed.

On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 4:56 AM Marco Villalobos <mvillalo...@kineteque.com>

> Does that work in the DataStream API in Batch Execution Mode?
> On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 12:04 AM JING ZHANG <beyond1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please use `CheckpointedFunction`, you could initialize your operator
>> state in `initializeState` method by using
>> context.getOperatorStateStore().***
>> Best regards,
>> Marco Villalobos <mvillalo...@kineteque.com> 于2021年6月5日周六 下午1:55写道:
>>> Is it possible to use OperatorState, when NOT implementing a source or
>>> sink function?
>>> If yes, then how?

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