Hi, Flink community,

I'm trying to use the STOP rest API to cancel a job. So far, I'm seeing
some inconsistent results. Sometimes, jobs could be cancelled successfully
while other times, they couldn't. Either way, the POST request is accepted
with a status code 202 and a "request-id".

>From the Flink UI, I can see the savepoint being completed successfully.
However the job is still in running state afterwards. The CLI command
`flink stop <JOB ID>` is working ok. I can use the CLI to stop the job and
get the resulting savepoint location. If I understand this correctly, the
CLI should be using the same REST API behind the scenes, isn't it?

Here is my POST request URL: `http://

Here is the BODY of the request:

I'm using Flink 1.11.2 Commit ID: DeadD0d0.

Any suggestions on how I can debug this?

Another question is, given the response "request-id", which endpoint should
I query to get the status of the request? Most importantly, where can I get
the expected savepoint location?



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