Hello list,
we are manually building TypedValue instances to be sent to a python
remote function (with a reqreply function builder). We create the typed
value as follows (in Kotlin):
override fun map(value: Tuple2<Long, MutableIterable>): TypedValue {
return TypedValue.newBuilder()
.setValue(getProtoValueByteString(value.f0, value.f1))
However, when running our job on a flink cluster (Flink 1.12.3,
ververica platform) the job is terminated with this exception:
although the setValue method is actually defined in the TypedValue class.
We checked whether the issue could be related to some conflict on
protobuf versions, but our classes are generated with protoc 3.7.1,
which is aligned with what is reported in the flink-statefun (v3.0.0)
parent pom. Any idea on what could cause the issue?
Thanks and best regards
Dario Bonino
Ing. Dario Bonino, Ph.D
e-m@il: dario.bon...@gmail.com
www: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariobonino