Hi Zerah, I guess you could provide a Python implementation for ConfluentRegistryAvroDeserializationSchema if needed. It’s just a wrapper for the Java implementation and so it’s will be very easy to implement. You could take a look at AvroRowDeserializationSchema [1] as an example.
Regards, Dian [1] https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/release-1.13/flink-python/pyflink/common/serialization.py#L303 > 2021年5月17日 下午5:35,Zerah J <connectze...@gmail.com> 写道: > > Hi, > > I have below use case > > 1. Read streaming data from Kafka topic using Flink Python API > 2. Apply transformations on the data stream > 3. Write back to different kafka topics based on the incoming data > > Input data is coming from Confluent Avro Producer. By using the existing > pyflink.common.serialization.AvroRowDeserializationSchema, I'm unable to > deserialize the data. > > Please help to process the data as ConfluentRegistryAvroDeserializationSchema > is not available in the Python API. > > Regards, > Zerah