Ah, sorry for the compile issue.

I wasn't able to reproduce the issue; conceptually your code looks fine.

Can you provide us with a self-contained reproducer for the issue?

For reference, here's the test I used, that you can maybe adjust as necessary to replicate your use-case:

@Test public void testWindowLateDataSideOutput()throws Exception {
    final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); final 
OutputTag<Integer> lateTag =new OutputTag<>("tag") {}; final 
SingleOutputStreamOperator<Integer> windowedStream =
            env.addSource(new MySource())
                    .keyBy(x -> x)
                    .allowedLateness(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
                    .trigger(new MyTrigger())
                    .reduce(Integer::sum); final DataStream<Integer> lateStream = 
windowedStream.getSideOutput(lateTag); lateStream.map(x ->"late: " + x).print(); 
env.execute(); }

private static class MySourceimplements SourceFunction<Integer> {@Override public 
void run(SourceContext<Integer> ctx)throws Exception {
        final long lateTime =1000; long currentTime =5000; while (true) {
            ctx.collectWithTimestamp(1, lateTime); ctx.collectWithTimestamp(2, 
currentTime); currentTime +=100; }

    @Override public void cancel() {}

On 5/11/2021 6:42 PM, Slotterback, Chris wrote:

Hi Chesnay,

That doesn’t compile, as WindowedStream doesn’t have the operator getSideOutput, only SingleOutputStreamOperator has that operation.


*From: *Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
*Date: *Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:09 AM
*To: *"Slotterback, Chris" <chris_slotterb...@comcast.com>, "user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Re: sideOutputLateData not propagating late reports once window expires

Please try this:

val windowedStream = stream
  .trigger(new myTrigger)

val lateStream =
val aggregatedStream = windowedStream.aggregate(new VSGBondingGroupMediansAggregator(packetFilterCount))

On 5/10/2021 9:56 PM, Slotterback, Chris wrote:

    Hey Flink Users,

    I am having some issues with getting sideOutputLateData to
    properly function with late event time reports. I have the
    following code that, per my understanding, should be allowing
    reports that fall after the window has triggered and beyond
    allowed lateness to pass through to the side output:

    val lateTag = new OutputTag[…]("tag"){}

    val windowedStream = stream
      .trigger(new myTrigger)
      .aggregate(new VSGBondingGroupMediansAggregator(packetFilterCount))

    val lateStream =



    public class myTrigger extends Trigger<…>, Window> {


    public TriggerResult onElement(…) throws Exception {

    return TriggerResult./CONTINUE/;



    public TriggerResult onProcessingTime(…) throws Exception {

    throw new Exception("processing time not supported");



    public TriggerResult onEventTime(…) throws Exception {

    return TriggerResult./FIRE_AND_PURGE/;


    The main flow is functional when all reports are ontime, but when
    I start introducing late reports, they get rejected by the window
    but are failing to end up in the late stream. Is there something
    off with my understanding?


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