I'm trying to design a stream flow that checks *de-duplicate* events and
sends them to the Kafka topic.

Basically, flow looks like that;

kafka (multiple topics) =>  flink (checking de-duplication and event
enrichment) => kafka (single topic)

For de-duplication, I'm thinking of using Cassandra as an external state
store. The details of my job;

I have an event payload with *uuid* Field. If the event that has the same
uuid will come, this event should be discarded. In my case, two kafka
topics are reading. The first topic has a lot of fields, but other topics
just have a *uuid* field, thus I have to enrich data using the same uuid
for the events coming from the second topic.

Stream1: Messages reading from the first topic. Read state from Cassandra
using the *uuid*. If a state exists, ignore this event and *do not* emit to
the Kafka. If state does not exist, save  this event to the Cassandra, then
emit this event to the Kafka.

Stream2: Messages reading from the second topic. Read state from Cassandra
using the *uuid*. If state exists, check a column that represents this
event came from topic2. If the value of this column is false, enrich the
event using state and update the Cassandra column as true. If true, ignore
this event because this event is a duplicate.

def checkDeDuplication(event): Option[Event] = {
  val state = readFromCassandra(state)
  if (state exist) None //ignore this event
  else {

def checkDeDuplicationAndEnrichEvent(event): Option[Event] = {
      val state = readFromCassandra(state)
      if (state does not exist) None //ignore this event
      else {
        if (state.flag == true) None // ignore this event
        else {

val stream1 = readKafkaTopic1().flatMap(checkDeDuplicationAndSaveToSatate())
val stream2 = readKafkaTopic2().flatMap(checkDeDuplicationAndEnrichEvent())

1- Is that a good approach?

2- Is Cassandra the right choice here? Note, the state size is very large
and I have to feed the state from batch flow firstly. Thus I can not use
the internal state like rocksdb.

3- Can i improve this logic?

4- May be any bottleneck in that flow? I think to use asyncMap functions
for state read/write operations.

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