Hi Matthias,

I am using RocksDB as a state backend. I think the iceberg sink is not able
to propagate back pressure to the source which is resulting in OOM for my
CDC pipeline.
Please refer to this - https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/2504

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 8:44 PM Matthias Pohl <matth...@ververica.com>

> Hi Ayush,
> Which state backend have you configured [1]? Have you considered trying
> out RocksDB [2]? RocksDB might help with persisting at least keyed state.
> Best,
> Matthias
> [1]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/state/state_backends.html#choose-the-right-state-backend
> [2]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/state/state_backends.html#the-rocksdbstatebackend
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 7:52 AM Ayush Chauhan <ayush.chau...@zomato.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using flink cdc to stream CDC changes in an iceberg table. When I
>> first run the flink job for a topic which has all the data for a table, it
>> get out of heap memory as flink try to load all the data during my 15mins
>> checkpointing interval. Right now, only solution I have is to pass *-ytm
>> 8192 -yjm 2048m* for a table with 10M rows and then reduce it after
>> flink has consumed all the data. Is there a way to tell flink cdc code to
>> trigger checkpoint or throttle the consumption speed(I think backpressure
>> should have handled this)?
>> --
>>  Ayush Chauhan
>>  Software Engineer | Data Platform
>>  [image: mobile-icon]  +91 9990747111
>> This email is intended only for the person or the entity to whom it is
>> addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this email
>> and contact the sender.

 Ayush Chauhan
 Software Engineer | Data Platform
 [image: mobile-icon]  +91 9990747111


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