We have a flink project with multiple jobs. That means we can submit multiple job with the same jar. But there is a limitation here i think. Because, let's assume;
I create a flink project with 3 jobs, and create a single jar then put it to the flink cluster (all of these steps are working on a ci/cd pipeline, and the jar name will be assigned automatically. for example my-jar-v1, my-jar-v2 .. ). Then I submit 3 jobs using the same jar. Later, I changed the job2, then created a new jar with the new version e.g. my-jar-v2, then re-deploy the job2 again with the new jar. But in this case, when I look at the submit page in the UI, i don't know which job was submitted from the specified jar. my-jar-v1 => job1, job2, jo3 deployed my-jar-v2 => job2 (re-deployed) =>> in this case, i know job2 deployed with this jar, but others will not know it because ui does not show this information And also, if any problem occurs in job2 when i deploy it using the my-jar-2, i can use the previous jar(my-jar-v1). But if there are a lot of jars, it can be very difficult.| Is there any best practice for that?