Thank you for the clarification.  That is what I was thinking.


On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 3:24 AM Arvid Heise <> wrote:

> Hi Vishal,
> no afaik Flink only cancels on restore from a checkpoint or savepoint
> (manual or automatic). That's what I meant with
>> they may linger for a longer time if you stop an application entirely
>> (for example for an upgrade).
> Your upgraded application will hopefully be up before Kafka transactions
> time out.
> However, my statement was a bit misleading: If you gracefully stop the
> Flink application (stop with drain), then Flink should also close all
> transactions. You'd only get lingering transactions when you cancel the
> Flink application and start from scratch (e.g., error in business logic).
> But then you usually also recreate the topic which hopefully also removes
> all pending transactions.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 10:28 PM Vishal Santoshi <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback and. glad I am on the right track.
>> > Outstanding transactions should be automatically aborted on restart by
>> Flink.
>> Let me understand this
>> 1. Flink pipe is cancelled and has dangling kafka transactions.
>> 2. A new Flink pipe  ( not restored from a checkpoint or sp ) is started
>> which is essentially the same pipe as 1 but does not restore. Would
>> the dangling kafka transactions be aborted ?
>> If yes, how does it work? As in how does the new pipe. know which
>> transactions to abort ? Does it ask kafka for pending transactions and know
>> which one belongs to the first pipe ( maybe b'coz they share some id b'coz
>> of name of the pipe or something else ) ?
>> Thanks again,
>> Vishal
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 1:37 PM Arvid Heise <> wrote:
>>> Hi Vishal,
>>> I think you pretty much nailed it.
>>> Outstanding transactions should be automatically aborted on restart by
>>> Flink. Flink (re)uses a pool of transaction ids, such that all possible
>>> transactions by Flink are canceled on restart.
>>> I guess the biggest downside of using a large transaction timeout is
>>> that other clients might leak transactions for a longer period of time or
>>> that they may linger for a longer time if you stop an application entirely
>>> (for example for an upgrade).
>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 4:08 PM Vishal Santoshi <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello folks
>>>> So AFAIK data loss on exactly once will happen if
>>>>    -
>>>>    start a transaction on kafka.
>>>>    -
>>>>    pre commit done ( kafka is prepared for the commit )
>>>>    -
>>>>    commit fails ( kafka went own or n/w issue or what ever ). kafka
>>>>    has an uncommitted transaction
>>>>    -
>>>>    pipe was down for say n minutes and the kafka based transaction
>>>>    time out is m minutes, where m < n
>>>>    -
>>>>    the pipe restarts and tries to commit an aborted transaction and
>>>>    fails and thus data loss
>>>> Thus it is imperative that the out on kafka
>>>> is a high value ( like n hours ) which should be greater then an SLA for
>>>> downtime of the pipe. As in we have to ensure that the pipe is restarted
>>>> before the set on the broker.
>>>> The impulse is to make high ( 24 hours ). The
>>>> only implication is what happens if we start a brand new pipeline on the
>>>> same topics which has yet to be resolved transactions, mostly b’coz of
>>>> extended timeout of a previous pipe .. I would assume we are delayed then
>>>> given that kafka will stall subsequent transactions from being visible to
>>>> the consumer, b'coz of this one outstanding trsnasaction ?
>>>> And if that is the case, then understandably we have to abort those
>>>> dangling transactions before the 24 hrs time out. While there probably a
>>>> way to do that, does flink help.. as in set a property that will abort a
>>>> transaction on kafka, b'coz we need it to, given the above..
>>>> Again I might have totally misunderstood the whole mechanics and if yes
>>>> apologies and will appreciate some clarifications.
>>>> Thanks.

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