Hi all, We're going to use state processor to make our keyedstate data to be written to different files based on the keys. More specifically, we want our data to be written to files key1.txt, key2.txt, ..., and keyn.txt where the value with the same key is stored in the same file. In each file, the data may be stored as follows. As far as I know, I need to implement my own Sink (org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.RichSinkFunction) to meet the requirement. However, I wonder is there a native way to achieve this without implementing my own Sink because using official solution is usually more efficient and reliable than doing it by myself. Many thanks for any comment.
key1.txt key1 value11 key1 value21 key1 value31 key2.txt key2 value21 key2 value22 key2 value23 Best wishes, Chen-Che Huang