Additional observation: From the Flink repo, the file
"flink-python/pyflink/table/" seems to support map(), flat_map()
and other row based operations although the 1.12 documentation doesn't
reflect that. Is that correct? From the code, it appears that these
operations are supported in Python.


On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 6:31 AM Sumeet Malhotra <>

> Thanks Piotrek! I forgot to mention that I'm using PyFlink and mostly
> Table APIs. The documentation (
> suggests that Map() function is not currently supported in Python. So, what
> do you think would be my options here. Should I convert to a data stream to
> perform this in Python?
> Thanks again,
> Sumeet
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 7:09 PM Piotr Nowojski <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One thing that you can do is to read this record using Avro keeping
>> `Result` as `bytes` and in a subsequent mapping function, you could change
>> the record type and deserialize the result. In Data Stream API:
>> MapFunction<record_with_bytes,
>> record_with_deserialized_result> { ...} )
>> Best,
>> Piotrek
>> śr., 14 kwi 2021 o 03:17 Sumeet Malhotra <>
>> napisał(a):
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm reading data from Kafka, which is Avro encoded and has the following
>>> general schema:
>>> {
>>>   "name": "SomeName",
>>>   "doc": "Avro schema with variable embedded encodings",
>>>   "type": "record",
>>>   "fields": [
>>>     {
>>>       "name": "Name",
>>>       "doc": "My name",
>>>       "type": "string"
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>       "name": "ID",
>>>       "doc": "My ID",
>>>       "type": "string"
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>       "name": "Result",
>>>       "doc": "Result data, could be encoded differently",
>>>       "type": "bytes"
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>       "name": "ResultEncoding",
>>>       "doc": "Result encoding media type (e.g. application/avro,
>>> application/json)",
>>>       "type": "string"
>>>     },
>>>   ]
>>> }
>>> Basically, the "Result" field is bytes whose interpretation depends upon
>>> the "ResultEncoding" field i.e. either avro or json. The "Result" byte
>>> stream has its own well defined schema also.
>>> My use case involves extracting/aggregating data from within the
>>> embedded "Result" field. What would be the best approach to perform this
>>> runtime decoding and extraction of fields from the embedded byte data?
>>> Would user defined functions help in this case?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Sumeet

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