
I have a Flink TM configured with taskmanager.memory.managed.size: 1372m. There 
is a streaming job using RocksDB for checkpoints, so I assume some of this 
memory will indeed be used.

I was looking at the metrics exposed through the REST interface, and I queried 
some of them:

 | jq
    "id": "Status.JVM.Memory.Heap.Committed",
    "value": "1652031488"
    "id": "Status.JVM.Memory.NonHeap.Committed",
    "value": "234291200"                                                        
     223 MiB
    "id": "Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.MemoryUsed",
    "value": "375015427"                                                        
    358 MiB
    "id": "Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.TotalCapacity",
    "value": "375063552"                                                        
    358 MiB

I presume direct memory is being used by Flink and its networking stack, as 
well as by the JVM itself. To be sure:

  1.  Increasing "taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size" or 
"taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size" should increase 
Status.JVM.Memory.Direct.TotalCapacity, right?
  2.  I presume the native memory used by RocksDB cannot be tracked with these 
JVM metrics even if "state.backend.rocksdb.memory.managed" is true, right?

Based on this question: 
 I imagine Flink/RocksDB either allocates memory completely independently of 
the JVM, or it uses unsafe. Since the documentation 
 states that "Managed memory is managed by Flink and is allocated as native 
memory (off-heap)", I thought this native memory might show up as part of 
direct memory tracking, but I guess it doesn't.


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