1. yes - the same key would affect the same state variable
2. you need a join to have the same operator process both streams


On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 7:29 AM vishalovercome <vis...@moengage.com> wrote:

> Let me make the example more concrete. Say O1 gets as input a data stream
> T1
> which it splits into two using some function and produces DataStreams of
> type T2 and T3, each of which are partitioned by the same key function TK.
> Now after O2 processes a stream, it could sometimes send the stream to O3
> (T4) using the same key function again. Now I want to know whether:
> 1. Data from streams T3 with key K and T4 with key K end up affecting the
> state variables for the same key K or different. I would think that would
> be
> the case but wanted a confirmation
> 2. An explicit join is needed or not, i.e. whether this will achieve what I
> want:
> result2 = T1.filter(fn2).keyBy(TK).map(richfn2).keyBy(TK).map(whatever O3
> does)
> result3 = T1.filter(fn3).keyBy(TK).map(whatever O3 does)
> --
> Sent from:
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/

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