The reason I ask is that I have a "Process Window Function" on that
Session  Window  and I keep key scoped Global State.  I maintain a TTL on
that state ( that is outside the Window state )  that is roughly the
current WM + lateness.

I would imagine that keys for that custom state are *roughly* equal to the
number of keys in the "merging-window-set" . It seems twice that number but
does follow the slope. I am trying to figure out why this deviation.

public void process(KEY key,
ProcessWindowFunction<KeyedSession<KEY, VALUE>, KeyedSessionWithSessionID<
KEY, VALUE>, KEY, TimeWindow>.Context context,
Iterable<KeyedSession<KEY, VALUE>> elements, Collector<
KeyedSessionWithSessionID<KEY, VALUE>> out)
throws Exception {
// scoped to the key
if (state.value() == null) {;
state.update(new IntervalList());

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 3:32 PM Vishal Santoshi <>

> Hey folks,
>       Was looking at this very specific metric
> "session_aggregate.merging-window-set.rocksdb_estimate-num-keys".  Does
> this metric also represent session windows ( it is a session window ) that
> have lateness on them ? In essence if the session window was closed but has
> a lateness of a few hours would those keys still be counted against this
> metric.
> I think they should as it is an estimate keys for the Column Family for
> the operator and if the window has not been GCed then the key for those
> Windows should be in RocksDB but wanted to be sure.
> Regards.

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