Couple of use cases, I have metric representing job version, currently it bound 
for a task, but I want bound it to job manager, another example I have dump to 
on OOM exception configured, and on start, I want to check content of directory 
with dumps and if not empty increase restarted-due-to-OOM counter

From: Arvid Heise <>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2021 5:22:30 AM
To: Alexey Trenikhun <>
Cc: Flink User Mail List <>; Chesnay Schepler 
Subject: Re: User metrics outside tasks

Hi Alexey,

could you describe what you want to achieve? Most metrics are bound to a 
specific task (available in RuntimeContext). You can also access them in custom 
operators and state backends.

Then you have some metrics bound to taskmanager and even java processes, but I 
don't see an easy way to access them.

I'm also pulling in Chesnay; he can probably help you more (but I guess we 
really need to understand your need).

On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 5:44 PM Alexey Trenikhun 
<<>> wrote:
Is it possible to register user metric outside task/operator (not in 


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