Hello folks, I am looking to enrich rows from an unbounded streaming table by joining it with a bounded static table while preserving rowtime for the streaming table. For example, let's consider table two tables F and D, where F is unbounded and D is bounded. The schema for the two tables is the following -
F: |-- C0: BIGINT |-- C1: STRING |-- R: TIMESTAMP(3) **rowtime** |-- WATERMARK FOR R: TIMESTAMP(3) AS `R` - INTERVAL '0' SECONDS D: |-- C0: BIGINT |-- C1: STRING NOT NULL I'd like to run the following query on this schema - select sum(F.C0), D.C1, tumble_start(F.R, interval '1' second) from F join D ON F.C1 = D.C1 group by D.C1, tumble(F.R, interval '1' second) However, I run into the following error while running the above query - "Rowtime attributes must not be in the input rows of a regular join. As a workaround you can cast the time attributes of input tables to TIMESTAMP before." My understanding reading the docs is that Time Temporal Join is meant to solve this problem. So I model table D as the following - D: |-- C0: BIGINT |-- C1: STRING NOT NULL |-- R: TIMESTAMP(3) |-- WATERMARK FOR R: TIMESTAMP(3) AS `R` - INTERVAL '0' SECONDS |-- CONSTRAINT 2da2dd2e-9937-48cb-9dec-4f6055713004 PRIMARY KEY (C1) With column D.R always set to 0 and modify the query as follows - select sum(F.C0), D.C1, tumble_start(F.R, interval '1' second) from F join D FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF F.R ON F.C1 = D.C1 group by D.C1, tumble(F.R, interval '1' second) The above query runs but does not return any result. I have the following data in D initially - Emit D row=+I(0,"0",1970-01-01T00:00)@time=0 Emit D row=+I(1,"1",1970-01-01T00:00)@time=0 Emit D row=+I(2,"2",1970-01-01T00:00)@time=0 Emit D watermark=0 And F streams the following rows - Emit F row=+I(0,"0",1970-01-01T00:00)@time=0 Emit F row=+I(1,"1",1970-01-01T00:00:10)@time=1000 Emit F watermark=1000 I expect that two rows in F will join with matching rows (on C1) in D and produce some output. But I do not see anything in the output. So I have the following questions - 1. Is time temporal join the correct tool to solve this problem? 2. What could be the reason for not getting any output rows in the result? Thanks, Satyam