Hey Yidan,

KafkaShuffle is initially motivated to support shuffle data materialization
on Kafka, and started with a limited version supporting hash-partition
only. Watermark is maintained and forwarded as part of shuffle data. So you
are right, watermark storing/forwarding logic has nothing to do with
whether the stream is keyed or not. The current approach in KafkaShuffle
should also work for non-keyed streams if I remember correclty. So, yes,
the logic can be extracted and generalized.



On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 4:26 PM yidan zhao <hinobl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One more question, If I only need watermark's logic, not keyedStream, why
> not provide methods such as writeDataStream and readDataStream. It uses the
> similar methods for kafka producer sink records and broadcast watermark to
> partitions and then kafka consumers read it and regenerate the watermark. I
> think it will be more general? In this way, the kafka consumer reads the
> stream from kafka, and can continue to call keyBy to get a keyedStream. I
> don't know why KafkaShuffle only considers the 'keyedStream' case.
> Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org> 于2021年3月4日周四 下午3:54写道:
>> Great :)
>> Just one more note. Currently FlinkKafkaShuffle has a critical bug [1]
>> that probably will prevent you from using it directly. I hope it will be
>> fixed in some next release. In the meantime you can just inspire your
>> solution with the source code.
>> Best,
>> Piotrek
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-21317
>> czw., 4 mar 2021 o 03:48 yidan zhao <hinobl...@gmail.com> napisał(a):
>>> Yes, you are right and thank you. I take a brief look at what
>>> FlinkKafkaShuffle is doing, it seems what I need and I will have a try.

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