Hi Dan,

thanks for letting us know. Could you give us some feedback what is missing in SQL for this use case? Are you looking for some broadcast joining or which kind of algorithm would help you?


On 11.02.21 20:32, Dan Hill wrote:
Hi Timo!  I'm moving away from SQL to DataStream.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 9:11 AM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org <mailto:twal...@apache.org>> wrote:

    Hi Dan,

    the order of all joins depends on the order in the SQL query by default.

    You can also check the following example (not interval joins though)
    swap e.g. b and c:

    env.createTemporaryView("a", env.fromValues(1, 2, 3));
    env.createTemporaryView("b", env.fromValues(4, 5, 6));
    env.createTemporaryView("c", env.fromValues(7, 8, 9));

    System.out.println(env.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM c, b, a").explain());

    So you can reorder the tables in the query if that improves
    For interval joins, we currently don't provide additional algorithms or


    On 11.02.21 05:04, Dan Hill wrote:
     > Hi!  I was curious if there are docs on how to optimize Flink
    joins.  I
     > looked around and on the Flink docs and didn't see much.  I see a
     > on the Configuration page.
     > E.g. one of my jobs has an interval join.  Does left vs right
    matter for
     > interval join?

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