We do put the flink-hdoop-uber*.jar in the flink lib ( and thus available
to the root classloader  ). That still does not explain the executor
service outliving the job.

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 6:49 PM Vishal Santoshi <vishal.santo...@gmail.com>

> Hello folks,
>                  We see threads from
> https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/master/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/transfer/internal/TransferManagerUtils.java#L49
> outlive a batch job that writes Parquet Files to S3, causing  a ClassLoader
> Leak. Is this a known issue ?  Logically a close on the TransferManager
> should close the ExecutorService ( and thus the threads ),
> The code is fairly straightforward,
>     val job = new Job()    val hadoopOutFormat = new HadoopOutputFormat[Void, 
> GenericRecord](      new AvroParquetOutputFormat(),      job    )    
> AvroParquetOutputFormat.setSchema(job, schema)    
> FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(path))    
> ParquetOutputFormat.setCompression(job, CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY)    
> ParquetOutputFormat.setEnableDictionary(job, true)  // do we need this?
>      and then an output
> This is  using
> scalaVersion := "2.12.12"flinkVersion = "1.11.2"hadoopVersion = "2.8.3"
> Regards
> Vishal

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