Do you mean setting the liveness check like the following could not take

            port: 6123
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 60

AFAIK, setting the liveness and the readiness probe is not very necessary
for the Flink job. Since
in most cases, the JobManager and TaskManager will exit before the rpc port
is not accessible.


narasimha <> 于2021年2月5日周五 上午2:08写道:

> Hi, I'm using the ververica platform to host flink jobs.
> Need help in setting up readiness, liveness probes to the taskmanager,
> jobmanager pods.
> I tried it locally by adding the probe details in deployment.yml file
> respectively, but it didn't work.
> Can someone help me with setting up the probes. Another question is it
> possible in the  first place?
> --
> A.Narasimha Swamy

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