Thanks, Seth. That did the trick! On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 10:51 AM Seth Wiesman <> wrote:
> You need to use TUMBLE_ROWTIME to extract a time attribute from a window, > TUMBLE_END is just a timestamp. > > > > > Seth > > On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 9:14 AM Patrick Angeles <> > wrote: > >> Forgot to mention, I am using Flink 1.12. >> >> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 10:11 AM Patrick Angeles < >>> wrote: >> >>> Fairly new to Flink here so this might be a newbie mistake, but here's >>> the problem. I created the following table and view: >>> >>> >>>> CREATE TABLE test ( >>>> >>>> event_time TIMESTAMP(3), >>>> >>>> symbol STRING, >>>> >>>> price DOUBLE, >>>> >>>> WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '1' MINUTE >>>> >>>> ) WITH ( >>>> >>>> ... >>>> >>>> ) ; >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> CREATE VIEW test_view AS ( >>>> >>>> SELECT >>>> >>>> symbol, >>>> >>>> TUMBLE_START (event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS t_start, >>>> >>>> AVG (price) AS avg_price, >>>> >>>> MIN (price) AS min_price, >>>> >>>> MAX (price) AS max_price >>>> >>>> FROM >>>> >>>> test >>>> >>>> WHERE event_time IS NOT NULL >>>> >>>> GROUP BY >>>> >>>> TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), symbol >>>> >>>> ) ; >>>> >>> >>> Describe shows: >>> >>> Flink SQL> describe test ; >>>> >>>> >>>> +------------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+------------------------------------+ >>>> >>>> | name | type | null | key | extras | >>>> watermark | >>>> >>>> >>>> +------------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+------------------------------------+ >>>> >>>> | event_time | TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* | true | | | >>>> `event_time` - INTERVAL '1' MINUTE | >>>> >>>> | symbol | STRING | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> | price | DOUBLE | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> >>>> +------------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+------------------------------------+ >>>> >>>> 3 rows in set >>>> >>>> >>>> Flink SQL> describe test_view ; >>>> >>>> +-----------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+-----------+ >>>> >>>> | name | type | null | key | extras | watermark >>>> | >>>> >>>> +-----------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+-----------+ >>>> >>>> | symbol | STRING | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> | t_start | TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> | avg_price | DOUBLE | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> | min_price | DOUBLE | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> | max_price | DOUBLE | true | | | >>>> | >>>> >>>> +-----------+------------------------+------+-----+--------+-----------+ >>>> >>>> 5 rows in set >>>> >>> >>> When I run a query over the view, I get the following error: >>> >>> Flink SQL> SELECT >>>> >>>> > symbol, >>>> >>>> > t_start, >>>> >>>> > avg_price, >>>> >>>> > min_price, >>>> >>>> > max_price, >>>> >>>> > FIRST_VALUE (avg_price) OVER x AS prev_avg_price >>>> >>>> > FROM test_view >>>> >>>> > WINDOW x AS ( >>>> >>>> > PARTITION BY symbol >>>> >>>> > ORDER BY t_start >>>> >>>> > ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW >>>> >>>> > ) ; >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> *[ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason:* >>>> >>>> *org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: OVER windows' ordering in >>>> stream mode must be defined on a time attribute.* >>>> >>> >>> Right now, to get around this, I need to materialize the results off >>> test table into a new table that matches the view. Seems that this ought to >>> be doable doing everything in one job instead of the intermediate >>> materialization step. Am I missing something? >>> >>> Thanks in advance. >>> >>> Patrick >>> >>> >>> >>> >>