
I haven't tried it myself yet but there is a Flink connector for HBase and
I remember someone telling me that Google has made a library available
which is effectively the HBase client which talks to BigTable in the

Like I said: I haven't tried this yet myself.

Niels Basjes

Op zo 24 jan. 2021 om 19:29 schreef Pierre Oberholzer <

> Dear Community,
> I would like to use BigTable as a sink for a Flink job:
> 1) Is there a connector out-of-the-box ?
> 2) Can I use Datastream API ?
> 3) How can I optimally pass a sparse object (99% sparsity), i.e. ensure no
> key/value are created in BigTable for nulls ?
> I have searched the documentation for the above topics but couldn't answer
> those questions.
> Many thanks for your support !
> --
> Pierre

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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