Hi all,

As flink doc says:

We do not support migration for state in RocksDB that was checkpointed 
using semi-asynchronous mode. In case your old job was using this 
mode, you can still change your job to use fully-asynchronous mode 
before taking the savepoint that is used as the basis for the migration.

So, my first question:
Is "semi-asynchronous" means "incremental checkpoint"?

And second question:
If so, assume I'm using flink-1.11 and RocksDB with incremental asynchronous 
checkpoint as state backend. 
I should: 
1. take a savepoint for old version(flink-1.11), 
2. and change job to use "full asynchronous checkpoint" ,
3. restart old version(flink-1.11) job with new config (full asynchronous 
4. then, take a savepoint
5. and finally, stop old version(flink-1.11) and upgrade to flink-1.12

Whether I understand correctly?

Best regards

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