Usually, you do not need to start multiple JobManager simultaneously. The
JobManager is a deployment.
A new one pod/container will be launched once it terminated exceptionally.

If you still want to start multiple JobManagers to get a faster recovery,
you could set the replica greater than 1
for standalone cluster on K8s[1]. For native integration[2], we still have
not supported such configuration[2].

Please note that the key point to enable HA is not start multiple
JobManagers simultaneously or sequently.
You need to set the ZooKeeperHAService[4] or KubernetesHAService[5] to
ensure the Flink job could recover
from latest successful checkpoint.



Amit Bhatia <> 于2021年1月19日周二 下午8:45写道:

> Hi,
> I am deploying Flink 1.12 on K8s. Can anyone confirm if we can deploy
> multiple job manager pods in K8s for HA or it should always be only a
> single job manager pod ?
> Regards,
> Amit Bhatia

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