Hi, Shekhar

> 1. Optimizer does not use both - ProjectableTableSource and 
> FilterableTableSource - in a single query even if the source implements both 
> interfaces. Each interface works correctly if implemented independently.

I didn’t see your custom source implementation, but I think the two interfaces 
should work together, you can refer the ParquetTableSource and OrcTableSource 
implementation details.  You can also try ShengKai's proposal to use the new 
interface if you’re willing to upgrade to Flink 1.12,  the source 
FilesystemTableSource implements SupportsProjectionPushDown  and 
SupportsFilterPushDown interfaces. 

> 2. Implementations of FilterableTableSource fail inside the optimizer for a 
> few TPC-DS queries in batch mode.

IIRC, all TPC-DS tests can pass using Parquet, which means the two interfaces 
should work fine?
> 3. And finally, filter expressions containing the current timestamp (& now) 
> function are not resolved to constant values during predicate pushdown 
> optimizer. Let's take the following SQL query for example - select count(*) 
> from T0 where T0.C2 >= current_timestamp.  Here, applyPredicate method of 
> FilterableTableSource receives predicate as a CallExpression of  form 
> greaterThanOrEqual(C2, currentTimestamp()). I'd have expected 
> currentTimestamp to be resolved to a constant value that is identitcal across 
> all usages of currentTimestamp in the query. 

batch/stream sql have same behavior that calculate the function value for per 
record, not like hive , which calculate the  function value once before the 
query execution and thus it can be treated as a constant value. To be honest, I 
tend to use a constant value for the function in batch,which is more intuitive. 
 Could you help create an issue for this, thus we can have more discussion 
under the issue.


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