Hi all, We have some offline discussion together with @Arvid, @Roman and @Aljoscha and I'd like to post some points we discussed:
1) For the problem that the "new" root task coincidently finished before getting triggered successfully, we have listed two options in the FLIP-147[1], for the first version, now we are not tend to go with the first option that JM would re-compute and re-trigger new sources when it realized some tasks are not triggered successfully. This option would avoid the complexity of adding new PRC and duplicating task states, and in average case it would not cause too much overhead. 2) For how to support operators like Sink Committer to wait for one complete checkpoint before exit, it would be more an issue of how to use the checkpoints after tasks finished instead of how to achieve checkpoint after tasks finished, thus we would like to not include this part first in the current discussion. We would discuss and solve this issue separately after FLIP-147 is done. Best, Yun [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-147%3A+Support+Checkpoints+After+Tasks+Finished#FLIP147:SupportCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished-TriggeringCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com> Send Time:2021 Jan. 13 (Wed.) 16:09 To:dev <d...@flink.apache.org>; user <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished Hi all, I updated the FLIP[1] to reflect the major discussed points in the ML thread: 1) For the "new" root tasks finished before it received trigger message, previously we proposed to let JM re-compute and re-trigger the descendant tasks, but after the discussion we realized that it might cause overhead to JobMaster on cascade finish and large parallelism cases. Another option might be let the StreamTask do one synchronization with the CheckpointCoordinator before get finished to be aware of the missed pending checkpoints, since at then EndOfPartitions are not emitted yet, it could still broadcast barriers to its descendant tasks. I updated the details in this section[2] in the FLIP. 2) For the barrier alignment, now we change to insert faked barriers in the input channels to avoid interference with checkpoint alignment algorithms. One remaining issue is that for unaligned checkpoint mode we could not snapshot the upstream tasks' result partition if it have been finished. One option to address this issue is to make the upstream tasks to wait for buffers get flushed before exit, and we would include this in the future versions. I updated this part in this section[3] in the FLIP. 3) Some operators like Sink Committer need to wait for one complete checkpoint before exit. To support the operators that need to wait for some finalization condition like the Sink committer and Async I/O, we could introduce a new interface to mark this kind of operators, and let the runtime to wait till the operators reached its condition. I updated this part in this section[4] in the FLIP. Could you have another look of the FLIP and the pending issues ? Any feedbacks are warmly welcomed and appreciated. Very thanks! Best, Yun [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/mw-ZCQ [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-147%3A+Support+Checkpoints+After+Tasks+Finished#FLIP147:SupportCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished-TriggeringCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished [3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-147%3A+Support+Checkpoints+After+Tasks+Finished#FLIP147:SupportCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished-ExtendthetaskBarrierAlignment [4] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-147%3A+Support+Checkpoints+After+Tasks+Finished#FLIP147:SupportCheckpointsAfterTasksFinished-SupportOperatorsWaitingForCheckpointCompleteBeforeFinish ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com.INVALID> Send Time:2021 Jan. 12 (Tue.) 10:30 To:Khachatryan Roman <khachatryan.ro...@gmail.com> Cc:dev <d...@flink.apache.org>; user <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished Hi Roman, Very thanks for the feedbacks and suggestions! > I think UC will be the common case with multiple sources each with DoP > 1. > IIUC, waiting for EoP will be needed on each subtask each time one of it's source subtask finishes. Yes, waiting for EoP would be required for each input channel if we do not blocking the upstream finished task specially. > Yes, but checkpoint completion notification will not be sent until all the EOPs are processed. The downstream tasked get triggered indeed must wait for received EoPs from all the input channels, I initially compared it with the completely aligned cases and now the remaining execution graph after the trigger task could still taking normal unaligned checkpoint (like if A -> B -> C -> D, A get finished and B get triggered, then B -> C -> D could still taking normal unaligned checkpoint). But still it could not limit the possible max delay. > Not all declines cause job failure, particularly CHECKPOINT_DECLINED_TASK_NOT_READY doesn't. Sorry for mistaken the logic here and CHECKPOINT_DECLINED_TASK_NOT_READY indeed do not cause failure. But since after a failed checkpoint we would have to wait for the checkpoint interval for the next checkpoint, I also agree the following option would be a better one that we try to complete each checkpoint. >> Thus another possible option might be let the upstream task to wait till all >> the pending buffers in the result partition has been flushed before get to >> finish. > This is what I meant by "postpone JM notification from source". Just blocking > the task thread wouldn't add much complexity, though I'm not sure if it would > cause any problems. >> do you think it would be ok for us to view it as an optimization and >> postpone it to future versions ? > I think that's a good idea. And also very sorry for here I should wrongly understand the proposals, and currently I also do not see explicit problems for waiting for the flush of pipeline result partition. Glad that we have the same viewpoints on this issue. :) Best, Yun ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Khachatryan Roman <khachatryan.ro...@gmail.com> Send Time:2021 Jan. 11 (Mon.) 19:14 To:Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com> Cc:dev <d...@flink.apache.org>; user <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished Hi Yun, > b) With unaligned checkpoint enabled, the slower cases might happen if the > downstream task processes very slowly. I think UC will be the common case with multiple sources each with DoP > 1. IIUC, waiting for EoP will be needed on each subtask each time one of it's source subtask finishes. > But since only the result partition part of the finished upstream need wait > to be processed, the other part of > the execution graph could still perform the unaligned checkpoint normally Yes, but checkpoint completion notification will not be sent until all the EOPs are processed. > Declining the RPC-trigger checkpoint would indeed simplify the > implementation, but since currently by default the > failed checkpoint would cause job failover, thus we might have some concerns > in directly decline the checkpoint. Not all declines cause job failure, particularly CHECKPOINT_DECLINED_TASK_NOT_READY doesn't. > Thus another possible option might be let the upstream task to wait till all > the pending buffers in the result partition has been flushed before get to > finish. This is what I meant by "postpone JM notification from source". Just blocking the task thread wouldn't add much complexity, though I'm not sure if it would cause any problems. > do you think it would be ok for us to view it as an optimization and postpone > it to future versions ? I think that's a good idea. Regards, Roman