Hi Amira,

I think the previous topic you are referring to doesn't seem to be related
with your current problem.

Regarding your problem, I'm afraid I don't know the FlinkKafkaConsumer code
too well. Maybe someone else from the community could help?


śr., 6 sty 2021 o 19:01 BELGHITH Amira (EXT) <amira.belghith-...@socgen.com>

> Thank you for your answer.
> I have been subscribed.
> This is the previous topic I’m referring to
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/flink-user/202008.mbox/%3CCACzKVZQ093HixMewb_prtP41ceXgmxCv=cmpsbphw-9+h8b...@mail.gmail.com%3E
> *Our flink job manager fails after multiple restarting, when the Kafka
> Consumer does not find a topic for example. We have a kafka exception
> TopicUnthaurizationException. We listen to a list a topics and whenever one
> is down , all our streaming system is down .. is there a way to handle
> those exceptions in the FlinkKafkaConsumer so the job manager does not
> fail?*
> *De :* Amira Belghith <belghith.am...@gmail.com>
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 6 janvier 2021 18:36
> *À :* BELGHITH Amira (EXT) ResgGtsOpmOptVdf <amira.belghith-...@socgen.com>;
> amira.belghith-...@soge.com
> *Objet :* Fwd: Flink kafka exceptions handling
> Soyez vigilant avant d'ouvrir les pièces jointes ou de cliquer sur les
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> Be cautious before opening attachments or clicking on any links. If in
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> ---------- Message transféré ---------
> De : *Piotr Nowojski* <pnowoj...@apache.org>
> Date : mer. 6 janv. 2021 à 17:26
> Objet : Re: Flink kafka exceptions handling
> À : Amira Belghith <belghith.am...@gmail.com>
> CC : buggi...@gmail.com <buggi...@gmail.com>
> I think you first need to be subscribed as it's explained here [1]. Could
> you also link to which previous topic are you referring to?
> Piotrek
> [1] https://flink.apache.org/community.html#mailing-lists
> śr., 6 sty 2021 o 17:09 Amira Belghith <belghith.am...@gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> Hey,
> Thanks for your fast reply.
> The mail couldnt be delivered to the mailing list.
> Le mer. 6 janv. 2021 à 16:59, Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org> a
> écrit :
> Hey,
> could you post the question on the user <user@flink.apache.org> mailing
> list?
> Thanks,
> Piotrek
> śr., 6 sty 2021 o 15:11 Amira Belghith <belghith.am...@gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> Hi Nick, Piotr,
> Im a software engineer working for Societe Generale bank.
> I saw your discussion about FlinkKafkaConsumer and exceptions handling.
> I have the same problem for a week now, and I wanted to know if you have
> found a solution.
> Our flink job manager fails after multiple restarting, when the Kafka
> Consumer does not find a topic for example. We have a kafka exception
> TopicUnthaurizationException. We listen to a list a topics and whenever one
> is down , all our streaming system is down .. is there a way to handle
> those exceptions in the FlinkKafkaConsumer so the job manager does not fail?
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Amira belghith
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