A subquery could work but since you want to implement a UDTAGG anyway,
you can also move the implementation there and keep the SQL query
simple. But this is up to you. Consecutive windows are supported.
On 05.01.21 15:23, Marco Villalobos wrote:
Hi Timo,
Thank you for the quick response.
Neither COLLECT nor LISTAGG work because they only accept one column.
I am trying to collect all the rows and columns into one object. Like a
List<Row> for example.
Later, I need make calculations upon all the rows that were just collected
within a window.
Maybe I need to use a subquery, ie, SELECT FROM (SELECT FROM)?
On Jan 5, 2021, at 6:10 AM, Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Marco,
nesting aggregated functions is not allowed in SQL. The exception could be
improved though. I guess the planner searches for a scalar function called
`MyUDTAGG` in your example and cannot find one.
Maybe the built-in function `COLLECT` or `LISTAGG`is what you are looking for?
On 05.01.21 14:45, Marco Villalobos wrote:
I am trying to use User defined Table Aggregate function directly in the SQL
so that I could combine all the rows collected in a window into one object.
GIVEN a User defined Table Aggregate function
public class MyUDTAGG extends
TableAggregateFunction<PurchaseWindow,PurchaseWindow> {
public PurchaseWindow createAccumulator() {
return new PurchaseWindow();
public void accumulate(PurchaseWindow acc, String name, double cost) {
acc.add(name, cost);
public void emitValue(PurchaseWindow acc, Collector<PurchaseWindow>
out) {
THAT it is registered as
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = ...
tEnv.registerFunction("MyUDTAGG", new MyUDTAGG());
THEN is it possible to call it in an SQL query in this manner?
SELECT MyUDTAGG(name, SUM(cost)) AS purchase_window
FROM purchases
GROUP BY TUMBLE(proactive, INTERVAL '1' DAY), name
I am receiving an SQL validation error, "No match found for function signature
What am I doing wrong, or is there a better way to do this?