Hi Robert,

you basically just (re)write your application with DataStream API, use the
new KafkaSource, and then let the automatic batch detection mode work [1].
The most important part is that all your sources need to be bounded.
Assuming that you just have a Kafka source, you need to use setBounded with
the appropriate end offset/timestamp.

Note that the rewritten Kafka source still has a couple of issues that
should be addressed by the first bugfix release of 1.12 in this month. So
while it's safe to use for development, I'd wait for 1.12.1 to roll it out
on production.

If you have specific questions on the migration from DataSet and
DataStream, please let me know.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 7:34 PM Robert Cullen <cinquate...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a Kafka source that I would like to run a batch job on.  Since
> Version 1.12.0 is now soft deprecating the DataSet API in favor of the
> DataStream API, can someone show me an example of this? (Using DataStream)
> thanks
> --
> Robert Cullen
> 240-475-4490


Arvid Heise | Senior Java Developer


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