Hi Sidney,

Have a look at implementing a BucketAssigner for StreamingFileSink:


On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 11:48 PM Sidney Feiner <sidney.fei...@startapp.com>

> Hey,
> I would like to create a dynamic StreamingFileSink for my Streaming
> pipeline.
> By dynamic, I mean that it will write to a different directory based on
> the input.
> For example, redirect the row to a different directory based on the first
> 2 characters of the input, so if the content I'm writing starts with "XX"
> then write it to a target /path/to/dir/XX, but if the content starts with
> "YY" then write it to target /path/to/dir/YY.
> I've tried implementing a DynamicFileSink that internally holds a map of
> every combination of 2 letters that it meets, and every first time it meets
> them, it creates a StreamingFileSink and invokes it's invoke method.
> Obviously, that didn't work because a StreamingFileSink should be
> initiated completely differently.
> I'm guessing I could implement this completely by myself, but I feel it'd
> be a waste if there was some way that could utilize the existing
> StreamingFileSink.
> BTW, this is part of an existing architecture where every pipeline needs
> an actual Sink, so it isn't possible for me to manipulate the datastream
> directly, use keyBy(2 first letters) and then write it's output to a file
> per key.
> Any help would be much appreciated :)
> *Sidney Feiner* */* Data Platform Developer
> M: +972.528197720 */* Skype: sidney.feiner.startapp
> [image: emailsignature]

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