Hi all When I use SQL with UDTF, when I call the tableEnv.sqlQuery () method, I throw the following error: Rowtime attributes must not be in the input rows of a regular join. As a workaround you can cast the time attributes of input tables to TIMESTAMP before. I used the to_timestamp function in eventTIme and it doesn't work, How to solve the problem?
sql: select tmp.metric_id as metric_id, tmp.metric_config as metric_config, startLat, destName, bizType, orderId, completedTime, orderStatus, startHexList, cityId, type, destLat, endHexList, destLng, createTime, passengerId, finishedTime, vehicleId, startLng, startName, eventTime from htw_order_dwd_htw_order_geo_Infos, lateral table( metricUdtf('aa') ) as tmp(metric_id, metric_config) Thanks Jiazhi