Hi Deep,

(redirecting this to user mailing list as this is not a dev question)

You can try to set the line delimiter and field delimiter of the 
RowCsvInputFormat to a non-printing character (assume there is no non-printing 
characters in the csv files). It will read all the content of a csv file into 
one Row. e.g.

final StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
String path = "test";
TypeInformation[] fieldTypes = new TypeInformation[]{
RowCsvInputFormat csvFormat = 
   new RowCsvInputFormat(new Path(path), fieldTypes);
csvFormat.setDelimiter((char) 0);
csvFormat.setFieldDelimiter(String.valueOf((char) 0));
   lines = env.readFile(csvFormat, path, FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_ONCE,
   -1);lines.map(value -> value).print();

Then you can convert the content of the csv files to json manually.


> 在 2020年12月7日,19:10,DEEP NARAYAN Singh <about.d...@gmail.com> 写道:
> Hi  Guys,
> Below is my code snippet , which read all csv files under the given folder
> row by row but my requirement is to read csv file at a time and  convert as
> json which will looks like :
> {"A":"1","B":"3","C":"4","D":9}
> Csv file data format   :
> -------------------------------
> *field_id,data,*
> *A,1B,3C,4D,9*
> Code snippet:
> --------------------------
> *final StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
> StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();String path =
> "s3://messages/data/test/dev/2020-12-07/67241306/";TypeInformation[]
> fieldTypes = new TypeInformation[]{      BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO,
>  BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO};RowCsvInputFormat csvFormat =      new
> RowCsvInputFormat(            new Path(path),
> fieldTypes);csvFormat.setSkipFirstLineAsHeader(true);csvFormat.setNestedFileEnumeration(true);DataStream<Row>
> lines = env.readFile(csvFormat, path, FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_ONCE,
> -1);lines.map(value -> value).print();*
> Any help is highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Deep

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