Hi, Events need to be routed to different kafka topics dynamically based upon some info in the message.
We have implemented using KeyedSerializationSchema similar to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49508508/apache-flink-how-to-sink-events-to-different-kafka-topics-depending-on-the-even. But its deprecated and we cannot use it for production. I looked at the alternative KafkaSerializationSchema but there i do not see an option there. Then i stumbled upon this http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/Usage-of-KafkaDeserializationSchema-and-KafkaSerializationSchema-td32347.html. which asks us to use KafkaContextAware. Is there a more intuitive/easier way to do the same ? Thanks, Prasanna.