Hi Youzha,

do you use exactly once mode in kafka producer? Make sure that you have
enabled checkpointing and set the interval appropriately.

You can also see the message flow in the web UI. Check if something is
reaching the sink. Aside from that, if you use window operators make sure
that they fire.

In general, the information that you provided is very sparse. I can give
more detailed pointers with more information.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 9:25 AM Youzha <yuza.ras...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, i’m using kafka consumer and producer on flink.
> i’ve succeed to consume, transform, and produce to another topic on my
> development env ( 1 partition and a few dummy msg)
> but when i try to submit job on production env ( 20 partitions and the
> size is about 100Gb ),
> there is no one message produce into the kafka topic. i’ve try to set
> flink parallelism into 20 but is still not working. then i try to use
> rebalance function it’s success to consume the messages but it still no one
> msg produce into kafka topic.
> pls advice


Arvid Heise | Senior Java Developer


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