
seems like LAG would probably be the right function to use.

However, I get unexpected results from it:

-- Deduplicate addresses
--CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW dedup_address as
SELECT client_number
, address
, LAG(address) OVER (PARTITION BY client_number ORDER BY proctime() ASC) AS
FROM customers

gives me the same value for LAG(address) than for address:

cli1 addr1 addr1
cli1 addr1 addr1
cli1 addr2 addr2
cli1 addr2 addr2
cli1 addr1 addr1
cli1 addr3 addr3
cli1 addr4 addr4
cli1 addr5 addr5
cli1 add5 add5

What is even more strange is that I get the same result no matter what
offset I ask:

   - 1 (default)
   - 2
   - 0 (does it even make sense? how is it indexed?)
   - -1 (that definitely doesn't seem to make sense to me...)

What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance for your help.



On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 21:56, Laurent Exsteens <laurent.exste...@euranova.eu>

> I'm now trying with a MATCH_RECOGNIZE:
> FROM customers
> PARTITION BY client_number
> ORDER BY proctime()
> LAST(B.client_number) as client_number,
> LAST(B.address) as address
> B AS LAST(A.address, 1) is NULL OR B.address <> LAST(A.address, 1)
> ) as T;
> However, I get the following error:
> SQL validation failed. Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
> I've read the documentation and tried different formulations, but I don't
> manage to make this work.
> However, it should be possible to express what I need since the examples
> of the documentation allos for way more complex patterns.
> What am I doing wrong?
> I still prefer sth simpler such as the deduplication query (if it could
> work as I need it), as it would be a way harder sell to propose FlinkSQL to
> lower the expertise required for our jobs, if a "simple" deduplication
> already needs a complex query involving CEP....
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Best Regards,
> Laurent.
> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 17:22, Laurent Exsteens <
> laurent.exste...@euranova.eu> wrote:
>> I see what was my mistake: I was using a field in my ORDER BY, while it
>> only support proctime() for now.
>> That allows me to create an append only stream, thanks a lot!
>> However, it still does not allow me to do what I need:
>> *If I use both my primary key and changing column in PARTITION BY, then
>> it does not allow me to come back to a previous value of my changed column:*
>> SELECT client_number
>> , address
>> , proctime() as load_date
>> FROM (
>> SELECT client_number
>> , address
>> , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY *client_number, **address* ORDER BY
>> proctime() ASC) AS rownum
>> FROM customers
>> ) where rownum = 1;
>> *input:*
>>                     *output*:
>> | client_number | address |  load_date |                   |
>> client_number | address |  load_date |
>> | ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |                  |
>> ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |     -->        |
>> 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts2             |
>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |     -->
>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |
>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts4             |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             |
>> *-->        | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             | <--
>> this one does not show --> I cannot change back to a previous value :(*
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts6             |
>> *If however I only put my primary key in PARTITION BY, then I only get
>> the first value of my changed column:*
>> SELECT client_number
>> , address
>> , proctime() as load_date
>> FROM (
>> SELECT client_number
>> , address
>> , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY *client_number* ORDER BY proctime() ASC)
>> AS rownum
>> FROM customers
>> ) where rownum = 1;
>> *input:*
>>                     *output*:
>> | client_number | address |  load_date |                   |
>> client_number | address |  load_date |
>> | ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |                  |
>> ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |     -->        |
>> 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts2             |
>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |
>> *    -->        | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |
>> <-- this one does not show :(*
>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts4             |
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             |
>> *-->        | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             | <--
>> this one does not show :(*
>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts6             |
>> Basically, I need to deduplicate, *but only keeping in the deduplication
>> state the latest value of the changed column* to compare with. While
>> here it seems to keep all previous values...
>> Is there a way to obtain the behavior I need (with this deduplication
>> method or another one)?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best Regards,
>> Laurent.
>> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 12:48, Jark Wu <imj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Laurent,
>>> 1. Currently, it's impossible to convert deduplicate with last row into
>>> an append-only stream.
>>> 2. Yes, I think Ververica platform doesn't support 'changelog-json'
>>> format natively.
>>> However, regarding your case, I think you can use keep first row on
>>> client_number+address key.
>>> SELECT *
>>> FROM (
>>>    SELECT client_number, address, load_date
>>>      ROW_NUMBER() OVER
>>>        (PARTITION BY client_number, address ORDER BY proctime() ASC) AS
>>> rownum
>>>    FROM src)
>>> WHERE rownum = 1
>>> That means, the duplicate records on the same client_number + address
>>> will be ignored,
>>> but the new value of address will be emitted as an append-only stream.
>>> Hope this helps you.
>>> Best,
>>> Jark
>>> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 17:49, Laurent Exsteens <
>>> laurent.exste...@euranova.eu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jark,
>>>> thanks again for your quick response!
>>>> I tried multiple variants of my query by:
>>>> - specifying only the primary key in the PARTITION BY clause
>>>> - changing the order to DESC to keep the last row
>>>> --> I unfortunately always get the same error message.
>>>> If I try to make a simple select on the result of this query, I also
>>>> get the following error: The submitted query is not an append-only
>>>> query. Only queries producing exclusively new rows over time are supported
>>>> at the moment. So whatever change I make, I never get an append-only
>>>> query --> Is there something I missed?
>>>> I also tried to write to kafka as changelog-json, but I got the answer: The
>>>> sink connector for table `vvp`.`default`.`sat_customers_address` could not
>>>> be created. 'changelog-json' is not a supported sink format. Supported sink
>>>> formats are: ['avro', 'avro-confluent', 'csv', 'json', 'orc', 'parquet'].
>>>> (maybe because I'm on the Ververica platform?)
>>>> This also seem to require an extra kafka topic then, so not ideal.
>>>> *I'm starting to wonder if the deduplication query is really what I
>>>> need.*
>>>> What I need is:
>>>> - to forward only the records where some columns (ideally
>>>> configurable) change for a specific primary key.
>>>> - in realtime (no windowing)
>>>> - and have as a result an append-only stream.
>>>> Like this:
>>>> *input:*
>>>>                     *output* (this is what should ultimatelly be
>>>> published to Kafka and later inserted in a RDBMS):
>>>> | client_number | address |  load_date |                   |
>>>> client_number | address |  load_date |
>>>> | ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |
>>>> | ------------------- | ----------- | -------------- |
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |     -->
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts1             |
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts2             |
>>>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |
>>>> -->        | 1                      | addr2     | ts3             |
>>>> | 1                      | addr2     | ts4             |
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             |     -->
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts5             |
>>>> | 1                      | addr1     | ts6             |
>>>> --> is this deduplication query the right fit therefore?
>>>>      - if yes, how should it be written to generate an append-only
>>>> stream?
>>>>      - If not, are there other options? (Match Recognize, UDF, ....?)
>>>> Thanks a lot for your much appreciated help :).
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Laurent.
>>>> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 07:26, Jark Wu <imj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>>> > What I want is a record to be forwarded only if some of the columns
>>>>> change
>>>>> IIUC, what you want is still deduplication with the last row.
>>>>> Keeping first row will drop all the duplicate rows on the same primary
>>>>> key.
>>>>> Keeping last row will emit updates when the duplicate rows on the same
>>>>> primary key, that means column value changes will notify downstream
>>>>> operators.
>>>>> The difference of keeping first row and last row is specified by the
>>>>> direction of ORDER BY clause [1].
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Jark
>>>>> [1]:
>>>>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/table/sql/queries.html#deduplication
>>>>> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 14:11, Laurent Exsteens <
>>>>> laurent.exste...@euranova.eu> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> I actually want the first row. What I want is a record to be
>>>>>> forwarded only if some of the columns change (of course keyed by the
>>>>>> primary key). I used rownum = 1, is that not selecting the first row?
>>>>>> How can I adapt my query to let only the row effectively changing the
>>>>>> values pass, as an append only stream?
>>>>>> If not possible, I'll look at converting it after. But I prefer a
>>>>>> solution in the deduplication query.
>>>>>> The goal is to show my customer that what they want to achieve is
>>>>>> very straightforward in flink SQL, so the simpler the queries the 
>>>>>> better. I
>>>>>> need to present my conclusions tomorrow.
>>>>>> Thanks a lot already for your help!
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Laurent.
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2020, 03:43 Jark Wu <imj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>>>>> 1. Deduplicate with keeping the first row will generate an
>>>>>>> append-only stream. But I guess you are expecting to keep the last row
>>>>>>> which generates an updating stream. An alternative way is you can
>>>>>>>  use the "changelog-json" format in this repo [1], it will convert
>>>>>>> the updating stream into append
>>>>>>> records with change flag encoded.
>>>>>>> 2. Yes. It will replace records with the same key, i.e. upsert
>>>>>>> statement.
>>>>>>> 3. I think it will be available in one or two months. There will be
>>>>>>> a first release candidate soon.
>>>>>>>     You can watch on the dev ML. I'm not sure the plan of Ververica
>>>>>>> platform, cc @Konstantin Knauf <konstan...@ververica.com>
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Jark
>>>>>>> [1]:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/ververica/flink-cdc-connectors/wiki/Changelog-JSON-Format
>>>>>>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 21:31, Laurent Exsteens <
>>>>>>> laurent.exste...@euranova.eu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jark,
>>>>>>>> thanks for your quick reply. I was indeed expecting it.
>>>>>>>> But that triggers the following questions:
>>>>>>>>    1. Is there another way to do this deduplication and generate
>>>>>>>>    an append-only stream? Match Recognize? UDF? ...?
>>>>>>>>    2. If I would put Postgres as a sink, what would happen? Will
>>>>>>>>    the events happen or will they replace the record with the same key?
>>>>>>>>    3. When will release-1.12 be available? And when would it be
>>>>>>>>    integrated in the Ververica platform?
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help!
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Laurent.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 03:31, Jark Wu <imj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>>>>>>> This is because the deduplicate node generates an updating stream,
>>>>>>>>> however Kafka currently only supports append-only stream.
>>>>>>>>> This can be addressed in release-1.12, because we introduce a new
>>>>>>>>> connector "upsert-kafka" which supports writing updating
>>>>>>>>>  streams into Kafka compacted topics.
>>>>>>>>> Does the "Kafka ingestion date" refer to "kafka message
>>>>>>>>> timestamp", i.e. ConsumerRecord#timestamp()?
>>>>>>>>> If yes, this is also supported in release-1.12 via metadata syntax
>>>>>>>>> in DDL [1]:
>>>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE kafka_table (
>>>>>>>>>   id BIGINT,
>>>>>>>>>   name STRING,
>>>>>>>>>   timestamp BIGINT METADATA,  -- read timestamp
>>>>>>>>> ) WITH (
>>>>>>>>>   'connector' = 'kafka',
>>>>>>>>>   'topic' = 'test-topic',
>>>>>>>>>   'format' = 'avro'
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Jark
>>>>>>>>> [1]:
>>>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-107%3A+Handling+of+metadata+in+SQL+connectors
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 23:12, Laurent Exsteens <
>>>>>>>>> laurent.exste...@euranova.eu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm getting an error  in Flink SQL when reading from kafka,
>>>>>>>>>> deduplicating records and sending them back to Kafka.
>>>>>>>>>> The behavior I want is the following:
>>>>>>>>>> *input:*
>>>>>>>>>> | client_number | address |
>>>>>>>>>> | ------------------- | ----------- |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr2     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr2     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> *output:*
>>>>>>>>>> | client_number | address |
>>>>>>>>>> | ------------------- | ----------- |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr2     |
>>>>>>>>>> | 1                      | addr1     |
>>>>>>>>>> The error seems to say that the type of stream created by the
>>>>>>>>>> deduplication query is of "update & delete" type, while kafka only 
>>>>>>>>>> supports
>>>>>>>>>> append-only:
>>>>>>>>>> Unsupported query
>>>>>>>>>> Table sink 'vvp.default.sat_customers_address' doesn't support
>>>>>>>>>> consuming update and delete changes which is produced by node
>>>>>>>>>> Rank(strategy=[UndefinedStrategy], rankType=[ROW_NUMBER],
>>>>>>>>>> rankRange=[rankStart=1, rankEnd=1], partitionBy=[client_number, 
>>>>>>>>>> address,
>>>>>>>>>> $2], orderBy=[$3 ASC], select=[client_number, address, $2, $3])
>>>>>>>>>> --> Is there a way to create an append only query from this kind
>>>>>>>>>> of deduplication query (see my code here below)?
>>>>>>>>>> --> Would that work if I would use, say, a Postgres sink?
>>>>>>>>>> Bonus question: can we extract the Kafka ingestion date using
>>>>>>>>>> Flink SQL? (here I generated a processing date to allow ordering 
>>>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>>>> deduplication)
>>>>>>>>>> P.S.: I'm on the Ververica Platform, but I guess this error is
>>>>>>>>>> linked to Flink SQL itself.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Laurent.
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> -- Read from customers kafka topic
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE customers (
>>>>>>>>>> `client_number` INT,
>>>>>>>>>> `name` VARCHAR(100),
>>>>>>>>>> `address` VARCHAR(100)
>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>> COMMENT ''
>>>>>>>>>> WITH (
>>>>>>>>>> 'connector' = 'kafka',
>>>>>>>>>> 'format' = 'csv',
>>>>>>>>>> 'properties.bootstrap.servers' =
>>>>>>>>>> 'kafka.vvp.svc.cluster.local:9092',
>>>>>>>>>> 'properties.group.id' = 'flinkSQL',
>>>>>>>>>> 'topic' = 'customers',
>>>>>>>>>> 'csv.field-delimiter' = ';',
>>>>>>>>>> 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'
>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> -- Add metadata
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW metadata AS
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT *
>>>>>>>>>> , sha256(cast(client_number as STRING)) AS customer_pk
>>>>>>>>>> , current_timestamp AS load_date
>>>>>>>>>> , 'Kafka topic: customers' AS record_source
>>>>>>>>>> FROM customers;
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> -- Deduplicate addresses
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW dedup_address as
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT customer_pk
>>>>>>>>>> , client_number
>>>>>>>>>> , load_date
>>>>>>>>>> , address
>>>>>>>>>> FROM (
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT customer_pk
>>>>>>>>>> , client_number
>>>>>>>>>> , load_date
>>>>>>>>>> , record_source
>>>>>>>>>> , address
>>>>>>>>>> , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_pk, client_number,
>>>>>>>>>> address ORDER BY load_date ASC) AS rownum
>>>>>>>>>> FROM metadata
>>>>>>>>>> ) where rownum = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> -- Send to sat_customers_address kafka topic
>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sat_customers_address (
>>>>>>>>>> `customer_pk` VARCHAR(64),
>>>>>>>>>> `client_number` INT,
>>>>>>>>>> `address` VARCHAR(100)
>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>> COMMENT ''
>>>>>>>>>> WITH (
>>>>>>>>>> 'connector' = 'kafka',
>>>>>>>>>> 'format' = 'csv',
>>>>>>>>>> 'properties.bootstrap.servers' =
>>>>>>>>>> 'kafka-0.kafka-headless.vvp.svc.cluster.local:9092',
>>>>>>>>>> 'properties.group.id' = 'flinkSQL',
>>>>>>>>>> 'topic' = 'sat_customers_address'
>>>>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO sat_customers_address
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT customer_pk
>>>>>>>>>> , client_number
>>>>>>>>>> , address
>>>>>>>>>> FROM dedup_address;
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> *Laurent Exsteens*
>>>>>>>>>> Data Engineer
>>>>>>>>>> (M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36
>>>>>>>>>> *EURA NOVA*
>>>>>>>>>> Rue Emile Francqui, 4
>>>>>>>>>> 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
>>>>>>>>>> (T) +32 10 75 02 00
>>>>>>>>>> *euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*
>>>>>>>>>> *research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>
>>>>>>>>>> ♻ Be green, keep it on the screen
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Laurent Exsteens*
>>>>>>>> Data Engineer
>>>>>>>> (M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36
>>>>>>>> *EURA NOVA*
>>>>>>>> Rue Emile Francqui, 4
>>>>>>>> 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
>>>>>>>> (T) +32 10 75 02 00
>>>>>>>> *euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*
>>>>>>>> *research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>
>>>>>>>> ♻ Be green, keep it on the screen
>>>>>> ♻ Be green, keep it on the screen
>>>> --
>>>> *Laurent Exsteens*
>>>> Data Engineer
>>>> (M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36
>>>> *EURA NOVA*
>>>> Rue Emile Francqui, 4
>>>> 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
>>>> (T) +32 10 75 02 00
>>>> *euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*
>>>> *research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>
>>>> ♻ Be green, keep it on the screen
>> --
>> *Laurent Exsteens*
>> Data Engineer
>> (M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36
>> Rue Emile Francqui, 4
>> 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
>> (T) +32 10 75 02 00
>> *euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*
>> *research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>
> --
> *Laurent Exsteens*
> Data Engineer
> (M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36
> Rue Emile Francqui, 4
> 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
> (T) +32 10 75 02 00
> *euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*
> *research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>

*Laurent Exsteens*
Data Engineer
(M) +32 (0) 486 20 48 36


Rue Emile Francqui, 4

1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert

(T) +32 10 75 02 00

*euranova.eu <http://euranova.eu/>*

*research.euranova.eu* <http://research.euranova.eu/>

♻ Be green, keep it on the screen

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